Non Dom is Cyprus Golden Ace! But there are some immigration hiccups to pay attention to! Non Dom is Cyprus Golden Ace! But there are some immigration hiccups to pay attention to! Standard Admin / Wednesday, October 2, 2024 0 191 Article rating: No rating Non Dom is Cyprus Golden Ace! It is the reason why so many wealthy individuals change their tax residency. Read more
Employment in Cyprus. How are taxes been calculated for individuals? Employment in Cyprus. How are taxes been calculated for individuals? Social Securities, PAYE Tax and National Healthcare System explained with simple examples in this article! Kyriakos Tramountanellis x / Friday, May 27, 2022 0 1665 Article rating: 4.0 In Cyprus, each salaried person or self-employed person must have a Personal Tax Identification Code (T.I.C) and a Personal Social Insurance Number (S.I.C). Consequently, the registration of personnel is made through the Social Insurance Office and the Income Tax Office, unfortunately, on a paper application. Read more