The service sector is the most common in Cyprus as Cyprus Companies are used as vehicles to provide services to international companies thus taking advantage of the 12.5% Cyprus corporation tax rate and the Cyprus legal framework which is based on the Anglo Saxon Common Law.
Some jurisdictions such as Asia and Africa interest groups and businesspeople use the Cyprus companies as a vehicle to trade goods and provide services within the European Union fast and effortlessly taking into consideration the VAT advantages that all EU VAT registered companies have when they trade between them.
Expertise in the following types of Service Companies:
At CYAUSE Audit Services Ltd we place great emphasis on preliminary meetings with clients prior to the setup up of such companies in order to assess all tax, VAT, legal implications prior to the commencement of trade of these companies.
Due to the fact that these services take place in various jurisdictions key concern is always the VAT treatment which depends on the substance of each individual transaction and the current enforceable VAT regulations both locally and internationally (European Union Directives).
We have established hundreds of companies for clients across the world, both off shore and on shore. We currently service such companies by complying with their local statutory requirements in our capacity as accountants auditors and tax consultants.
We have created tens of tax groups involving various jurisdictions for tax and substance purposes taking full advantages of the double tax treaties between them and our extensive global network of experts in tax and legal matters.