Anonym / Monday, January 17, 2022 / Categories: Cyprus Investment Firms and Funds CySEC - Reporting Deadlines for CIFs CYPRUS SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE COMMISSION Reporting Deadline Library In this short article we summarise the deadlines imposed by the European Union to its competent authorities, for Cyprus CySEC. 10 Years Transparency law - annual financial statements should be stored and be readily available for users 5 Years Electronic communication must be held (could be extended to 7 years) Financial information provided to investors should cover a period of up to 5 years Insiders list should be kept for a period of 5 years 2 Years Claims for inconsistent part of the prospectus summary can be made up to 2 years down the line Annual Basis CySEC reviews all CIFs based on the proportionality method (depending on their size and complexity the more frequent the reviews will be) ESMA reports to European Commission the Waivers ESMA reports to European Commission Deferred Publications CySEC updates ESMA on administrative fines Annual Reviews Suitability report by management Best execution policies Net Asset Value Valuations AIFM Valuations Assessment of Risk Weighted approach Assessment of General Assumptions Assessment of the SREP method & approach Assessment of the ICAAP Recovery plan Waivers - CySEC gets notified for the intention of waivers Senior Management, receives annually Compliance Report Risk Management Report Internal Audit Report 12 months Enhanced due diligence must continue to take place for PEPs (politically exposed persons) which ceased to be active Is the validity of issuers prospectus 6 Months CySEC informs Market Operators of their successful licensing application CySEC informs IFs of their successful licensing application QTR CySEC informs ESMA of the AIFs licensed or licences withdrawn 3 Months The time needed by ICF (investors compensation fund) to pay out eligible members CySEC may suspend trading temporarily 3 months + additional 3 months Notice when the depository will resign Management company must cease all its activities within 3 months from the day it licence is revoked CySEC gives notice period to CIFs when their capital is low AIFM licensing period and can be extended to another 3 months UCITs depository must be resigned Once CySEC terminates authorisartion the CIF must settle all its obligations for a period of 3 months Every two months CySEC grants approvals to changes of management companies CySEC gets notified by overseas authorities that a CIF wants to trade; 2 months later the CIF can trade Monthly Reporting Changes of ownership of a significant influence It is the time required by CySEC to approve the tied agents UCITS - management company must notify CySEC of any major changes in shareholdings 1 month before they are affected Issuers must report changes in shareholdings within a month 1 month New director must be notified to CySEC within 1 month after the appointment date End of Month Issuers to report changes in voting rights Management company of a UCITs may suspend the redemption of units whenever it is for the best interest of its unitholders for a maximum of 1 month 30 Days Special administrator reports to the resolution authority Special administrator will deliver the report to CBC 15 Days UCITs prospectus must be circulated to investors UCITS prospectus with amendments but be send to CySEC New prospectus must be provided to CySEC UCITs - submission of quarterly assets and liability results submitted to CySEC 5 Days Frequent users have their prospectuses approved within 5 days Waivers thresholds (3.75% and 7.75% need to be reported 5 working days from the 15th of next month 3 Days ACIs have time to respond to CBC (Central Bank of Cyprus) after they get notified of early intervention due to low capital Tied Agents get removed from CySEC website 1 Working Day Once a prospectus is prepared, CySEC and ESMA must be notified within 1 working day 15 Minutes APAs and CTPs must make information public and send it to all their distribution channels as close to as technically possible or after 15 minutes after publication Immediately Once CySEC agent is terminated CySEC gets notified immidiately DRSPs (CTPs, APA, ARM) Need to make public information available as close to real time as possible Immediately CIFs need to inform CySEC as soon as a tied agent is terminated. Changes in terms and conditions attached to derivative securities must be disclosed immediately and without delay Changes in ACIs - timeframes 60 days to approve the application 20 Days maximum interruption (extended to 30 days if outside the community) 2 days to oppose 31st of January List of directors and officers must be reported Systematic Internaliser Must publish quotes and update them on a regular basis (regular and continuous basis) Want to know more about Cyprus Investment Firms Read relevant information from our website Read our relevant articles on linkedin Call me directly on +357 99 428 543 to walk you through the requirements. Thank you, Kyriakos Tramountanellis Print 544 Rate this article: 5.0 Please login or register to post comments.