Standard Admin / Monday, July 8, 2024 / Categories: Blog Material Incorporation of a Cyprus Company and Provision of Nominee Services Dear Sir, I’m an Italian citizen, resident non dom in UK,I own shares of a Spanish company involved in tourism and residential letting, I’m going to incorporate the shares into an Irish company recently incorporated but before I would like to transfer my shares to an holding company in Cyprus. So that I need a company with tax identification code in order to obtain the tax residence certificate with apostille in ordertoobtain the relief from withholding tax from Ireland.I need also secretary service, registered office, a nominee shareholder( beneficiary should be a foundation)Please also consider annual government fee and audit if required (I expect turnover less than 200.000 euro and nominal value of the participation is below 500.000,asset in Spain are higher but it depends if calculation consider thesubsidiary).As no activity is expected except the official annual board I would like to confirm if local director is needed because holding company is not managing any activity in Cyprus or in the subsidiary. Also as for recently travel restrictions for COVID I would like to foresee into the articles of association meeting of the board through video conference in order to avoid travel of the foreign directors. Sometimes some dividends income could be received and released. Waiting your proposal for the formation and daily legal obbligation. Thanks and yours faithfully CYAUSE RESPONSE Hello dear Client, Sorry I was travelling overseas. Please find our proposal below with supporting brochures Below you can find our offer regarding the incorporation of a Cyprus company and provision of nominee services Incorporation of a Cyprus Company: Euro 1.600 + VAT(one off) Nominee Services for the amount Euro 1.800 + VAT (per year) which includes the following: Provision of Nominee Director Provision of Nominee Secretary Provision of Nominee Shareholder Provision of Registered Office Note: For a company to be considered as a Cyprus company the majority of directors must be Cypriots and it should have a Cyprus Company Secretary and Registered Office. These services are the sold called nominee services In addition you will find our brochures regarding the company incorporation and the services we offer. Finally you can visit our website in order to take a look at our indicative prices if further services are needed. Remaining at your disposal for any clarification you might need. Kind Regards, CYAUSE Team Previous Article Day Trip of CYAUSE team in Kakopetria 2024 Next Article The 3rd CGBA Summer ‘Get Connected’ – Networking By the Sea 2024 Print 318 Rate this article: No rating Tags: cyprusCyprus companiesCyprus taxescyprus systemcyprus company set upincorporation companynominee servicesgovernmentnominee directornominee shareholderregistered officetax planningcompany creationnominee feesredomiciliationrellocationmove toirishitalianincorporate in cyprusrelocate to cyprusmove to cyprusfeesoffer for cyprus set up Please login or register to post comments.