Anonym / Friday, December 17, 2021 / Categories: Blog Material Hybrid withdrawal plan – Current Incentives for Individuals and Companies! Replace your old vehicle with a hybrid and get government funding up to 10,000! Are you thinking of changing your car and buy a new one? Why not take advantage of the old car withdrawal plan and get a new electric one! Funding Details A1 Withdrawal and replacement with a new private vehicle € 7,500 A2 Withdrawal and replacement with a new taxi vehicle € 12,000 A3 Withdrawal and replacement with a new wheelchair € 10,000 A4 Withdrawal and replacement with a new vehicle of a large family € 10,000 Want to learn more? Read the guide here(guide in greek language only) Previous Article Σχέδιο Απόσυρσης Ρυπογόνων Οχημάτων Και Παραχώρησης Κινήτρων Για Εναλλακτικούς, Χαμηλών Εκπομπών, Τρόπους Διακίνησης Next Article SUMMARY OF CYPRUS SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE COMMISSIONS ADMINISTRATIVE FINES Print 83 Rate this article: No rating Tags: hybridvehiclecyprus fundscyprus vehicle subsidyreplace carsubsidy for carold new vehicleeu vehicle fundselectric carselectric car subsidyvehicle replacement Please login or register to post comments.