Anonym / Tuesday, February 15, 2022 / Categories: Articles VAT changes for eCommerce in the European Union - by Accace To raise VAT revenues and combat VAT fraud in the EU, the rules for e-commerce sales will change significantly in 2021/ 2022. Online sellers, marketplace operators, postal operators, express carriers, customs agents, payment service providers and potentially even consumers will all be impacted by these changes. Due to the high VAT fraud in Europe, the rules for e-commerce are changing and we can see the changes apply from the middle of 2021. If you are an online seller, marketplace operator, postal operator, express carrier, custom agent or even payment service provider or just customer. The below article from our Accace society explains what is changing for eCommerce:. Download the VAT Quide Previous Article Tax Free Dividends - Cyprus Companies Next Article Upcoming changes to the business taxation agenda in the EU - Accace Article Print 101 Rate this article: No rating Please login or register to post comments.