Kyriakos Tramountanellis x / Wednesday, March 9, 2022 / Categories: Cyprus Company Tax, Cyprus Taxation on Individuals, Relocation to Cyprus Expat Attitudes Toward Employer Benefits Package are Affected by Covid-19 Expats in important global markets are becoming more aware of the elements in their workplace benefits package, according to a report by Aetna International. More than 9 out of 10 (92%) poll respondents thought having a workplace benefits package was more important now than it was before the outbreak. More than a third of expats (36%) said they valued their benefits package more after having to utilize it during the Covid-19 outbreak. Furthermore, expats want to know that their employer’s health-care package includes coverage for Covid-19-related ailments. And nearly a quarter (23%) of respondents believe the cover is the most significant feature. Damian Lenihan, Executive Director Operations & Distribution Europe, Aetna International commented: “Covid-19 has had a notable influence on people’s attitudes towards health care packages and their intrinsic value. Now might be an opportunity for employers to review their offer to ensure it meets the expectations of expat talent in a changed environment in time for when more international business hubs open-up to travellers,” With more job flexibility and a focus on healthy living, 52 percent of expats questioned believe that having more individualized benefits is more vital than ever. And an overwhelming 88 percent said they wanted the freedom to choose their own inclusions, indicating a desire for more customizable job perks. Counseling, exercise sessions, expert massage therapy, and life coaching were the most popular* add-ons respondents requested to have as part of their individualized benefits package. Given the costs, expats have even stated that if they were included in benefits packages, they would take a lower pay to offset the cost. Lenihan went on to say: “For expats, the pandemic put into perspective the importance of individual health care and encouraged people to evaluate their personal situations. Personalisation is a growing trend, especially as populations become increasingly more diverse and international employers are looking to create more inclusive environments. Greater choice and the ability to tailor health care options and well-being benefits might need to be considered in future to better manage the needs of differing individuals.” If you are interested in Global Mobility or you are looking for a high skill employee you can now do that through Xpath . Contact our partners at office@xpath.globalor give them a call on +40 311 079 028 for more advice. Previous Article 4 strategies for attracting and retaining young employees in the tech industry Next Article Upgraded Technology is Necessary in Hybrid Workplaces Print 149 Rate this article: No rating Please login or register to post comments.